We are now at the halfway point of the year and that begs the question has anything changed this year? For many people we started out 2021 with hope and optimism, fairly quickly it seemed like 2020 the sequel. So I thought now would be a good time to take stock and think about how it might affect you and your company.
We have a vaccine!
That is probably the biggest difference compared to this time last year. People are getting vaccinated and many countries around the globe are slowly opening up, slowly but surely. That means some businesses are encouraging workers to come back to the office. Retail, entertainment and hospitality industries are all seeing a boom after a hard year.
Remember not everywhere has been as fortunate to get vaccines so there may still be some variants. That is why it’s more important than ever to stay vigilant otherwise we may see a return to last year and we all know how that affected us. It’s probably something we don’t want to ever go through again.
More social awareness
There is a notable push by companies to be more socially aware in 2021 and try to change or apologise for previous actions. While this is undoubtedly a good thing, it’s debatable as to how much of it is because it looks good optics wise as opposed to a concerted effort to change.
I think having businesses that take responsibility for previous actions can only be a good thing, and I encourage others to do so. Going forward, I think we’ll see companies be more inclusive and open to more points of view. I think there is always room to grow here.
Changing things up
After the last year in lockdown, it has given many people the opportunity to rethink their lives and ask the fundamental question, what do they want in life? I can tell you from experience I had a long hard think in lockdown about what I wanted and how to get it. I’m not the only one. Many of my friends seem to have thought the same and changed the direction of where they were going. I can therefore only assume that it’s happening the world over.
This means there are thousands of people out there dedicated to improving themselves and thirsty for opportunity. These people will be able to bring new ways of thinking or switch up dynamics causing innovation. So while we may not see a change in 2021, we will undoubtedly see change in the years to come.
It’s on that positive note that I’m going to end it this week. While it’s easy to think we’ve slid back or that we haven’t moved at all, let’s take the opportunity to appreciate how far we’ve come in a year that hasn’t always been easy. If you want more articles like this one then why don’t you check out our Blog page? We publish articles every week so it’s worthwhile following us on Facebook, Twitter or checking back in with us regularly.