Things to think about – About Us Page

Your companies About Us, who we are or whatever you want to call it is an interesting part when building your site. You can’t give all the secrets of how you operate or how you came to be but on the other hand you can’t be scant on details. So what do you do? Well here are some of the experiences that I have found in my time.


About a month ago I did an article on why storytelling is important in business. You companies About Us page is the natural extension of that. You have to in a very short amount of time convey what it is you do, why and how all while not coming across as dry. It seems like a tall ask but it can be done. While I can’t give you all the tricks I use I can tell you this. Don’t leave your personality at the door. Show off what it is that makes you special. This brings me to my next point.

different flavour smoothies

Stay on brand

Say you’re a toy brand, you want your company to be light and fun with lots of bright colours or interesting visuals. What you don’t want to do is be dry and corporate with dull colours with language that is completely wrong for your audience. An example of a company that has done a really good job on their page is Innocent Smoothies. They’re playful and they have broken it into sections with a timeline that when you click on years shows the highlights of what they’ve done. It’s a great example of them staying on brand.

No bragging or lying

One of the worst things you could do is brag or lie about your company’s accomplishments. With bragging it makes you seem like you have very little to offer and therefore hyping up one event to seem important. While with lying, it’s a ticking time bomb for when you’ll be found out. By all means show off your accomplishments, but be classy about it. If you do either of these, they will undoubtedly come back to bite you.

There you have it some of my thoughts for what to do on your About Us Page. I’m sorry that I can’t go into more detail, but like I’ve said before these are more pointers to help get you started and thinking. If you need any more pointers contact us today through our contact page or drop us a message on Facebook. Until next time be safe out there folks.

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