With Easter right around the corner, now seemed the perfect time to look at a group of ads that I think have been crushing it for the better part of a decade. The chocolate company Cadburys is a British institution (right up there with the Queen and tea). Their ads often have such an air of fun and sentimentality that they’re often hard to forget. So here are some of the ones that have caught my attention over the years.
Eyebrow Dance
This is the epitome of a simple premise taken to the extreme. When two kids are getting their photo done and the photographer has to answer the phone what do the kids do? Simple, they use the time to perfect their moves. They eyebrow dance and the results are both impressive and absurd leading to people all over the country imatating it. That’s all I really have to say about it. It was weird, funny and stuck in my head for years.
Cadburys Gorilla
The Cadbury Gorilla advert is my kind of advert. It’s silly, absurd and has spawned urban legends. The whole hook is that we see a Gorilla listening to Phil Collins “In the Air tonight” and then out of nowhere it begins to play the drums. The way in which he plays it got people to believe that it was actually Phil Collins in the suit. It wasn’t. The ad became so iconic that it was voted 5th best ad of the decade back in 2009. For that alone it warrants a mention on the list but really it was the fun with which it was made that gets people to notice.
Mums Birthday
This is the one that got me to write this article. We see a Mum rushed off her feet, picking up her daughter and on their way home she gets a phone call outside the corner shop. The little girl goes in and asks for a bar of chocolate for her mum and pays with various knick knacks from her bag ( a couple of buttons, a 50p a Unicorn etc.) The shopkeeper looks at her and takes the payment, gives her her change of a unicorn and the girl runs off to give it to her Mum wishing her a Happy Birthday, the final shot being of the shopkeeper giving a little smile.
It is wholesome and gives you the warm fuzzy feeling. The reason it’s on the list is every time the little girl goes to pay for the chocolate bar my mum goes “awww”. Every single time! To me that shows the ad is doing its job perfectly.
There we have, it some of the best Cadbury adverts. What did you think? Were there some that somehow we missed? Let us know somewhere on the internet! If you want more articles like this one then why don’t you check out our Blog page? We publish articles every week so it’s worthwhile following us on Facebook or checking back in with us regularly.