When you start to use social media, create a website or a blog, the one thing that you will always need is content. This may seem obvious but whatever you do, you will eventually find that you begin to either have burn out or start to run out of ideas. There is only so many times you can examine a topic from different angles or in my case without giving away all your trade secrets. In those cases what do you do? How do you avoid burnout and how do you keep things fresh?
Plan ahead
Planning is one of your best friends when it comes to this kind of work. If you’re planning a month in advance then you can see what kind of content works within that month and therefore tailor your approach to what the focus will be. It may even give you inspiration as to what you can create for that month.
Write down ideas
In the weeks running up to me starting the blog I wrote down every idea that I could use. I still do. If I have an idea that I think might work just not for this month I put it down in my notebook. When I’m planning I then come back to the notebook and see which of the ideas I have would work. Even the ones that at first seem silly are in there. You never know when something might be useful.
Switch things up
Now you may have noticed that over the last few weeks I’ve branched out from just doing serious articles into stuff that is tangentially linked. Stuff like the Halloween Horror stories or my upcoming article all about the best Christmas ads. These kinds of ads seem like a bit of a diversion, but they allow your personality to shine through and show that you’re not just some fact spewing robot. One thing it also helps with is that you’re able to be creative, exercising different muscles.
Content Batch
One thing that I have had to learn the hard way is that trying to create something week to week is exhausting. I have found that batching my content helps greatly. Instead of doing it week to week, I instead write my blog posts for the month in one go. This way I can spend the weeks before writing researching what I need and the weeks after formatting it and uploading it to a standard that I’m happy with.
These are some of the ways you can create content. While not all of them may work for you it’s certainly worth a try. What are some of the ways that you get your ideas for making content? Let me know in the comment section below.
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